SuCoS utilizes Liquid templates to dynamically generate web pages. Liquid is a simple and expressive templating language that allows for the insertion of dynamic content into templates. Each page will receive a full Page object to you use it.
Liquid Template Structure
The default structure of a Liquid template in SuCoS SSG typically includes the following elements:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- The current page and the site names-->
<title>{{ page.Title }} - {{ page.Site.Title }}</title>
<!-- List all tags-->
{% assign pages = page.Site.Pages | where: 'Section', 'tags'%}
{% for tag in pages %}
<li><a href="{{ tag.Permalink }}">{{ tag.Title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<h1>{{ page.Title }}</h2>
{{ page.Content }}
<footer>{{ page.Author }}</footer>
Liquid Syntax
Liquid templates use a set of tags, filters, and variables to render dynamic content. In SuCoS, the pages object is provided, which contains properties that can be accessed within the Liquid templates. For example, {{ page.Title }} retrieves the title of the current page, and {{ page.Site.Title }} retrieves the title of the entire website.
You can also use control flow statements in Liquid templates. The {% for ... %} and {% endfor %} tags, shown in the example above, are used to iterate over a collection of items.
For further information on Liquid syntax and available features, please refer to the official Liquid documentation at