
Hugo took the world by storm by offering a SSG with ultra performance.


Hugo calls himself as the "The world’s fastest framework for building websites". It is an inflated statement, but not far from the truth.

Our internal benchmarks shows tha SuCoS is on par of faster than Hugo in some scenarios.

Easy to Use

Like SuCoS, Hugo is also a single executable and will generate a site without many extra configurations.


That is a point that Hugo is really not that good. The template system that it uses tries to implement a natural style of Go programming language (the same one that Hugo uses... hence the name). It's easy for really simple logic, but it's full of quirks once you adventure on more complex behaviors.

SuCoS uses Liquid template system, which is super fast, super powerful and also easy to learn.

Comparison Table

  • localization
  • built in snippets (Google Analytics, twitter)