New Theme


The SuCoS new-theme command allows you to create a simple folder structure to host your custom theme. This command generates a basic file and directory layout to help you get started with your SuCoS theme.

Option Details

Here are the command line options available for the new-theme command:

  • --output or -o: Specifies the output directory path. This is the location where SuCoS will create the new theme structure. If not specified, the default output directory is the current directory (./).

  • --force or -f: Forces theme creation. Use this option to overwrite existing files or directories with the same name as the new theme structure.

  • --title: Sets the theme title. This option allows you to specify the title of your theme, which will be used in the theme configuration file (sucos.yml). The default title is "My Theme".

Directory Structure

When you run the new-theme command, SuCoS will create the following directory structure:

└── your-theme-name/
    ├── static/
    ├── layout/
    │   ├── _default.html
    │   └── partials/
    └── sucos.yml
  • static/: This directory is used to store your theme's static files, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • layout/: This directory is used to store your theme's layout files. The _default.html file is the main layout that will be used by default for all content.
  • layout/partials/: This directory is used to store your theme's partial layout files. Partials are reusable components that can be included in other layout files.
  • sucos.yml: This file holds basic theme information and configuration settings. For more information, see the Theme Settings manual.

Command Line Usage Examples

Here are five examples showcasing the usage of the SuCoS new-theme command, demonstrating the combination of different arguments:

Create a new theme with default settings

SuCoS new-theme

This command will create a new theme with default settings in the current directory.

Create a new theme with a custom output directory

SuCoS new-theme -o ./my-theme

This command will create a new theme in the ./my-theme directory.

Create a new theme with a custom title

SuCoS new-theme --title "My Custom Theme"

This command will create a new theme with a custom title ("My Custom Theme").

Create a new theme with force enabled

SuCoS new-theme -f

This command will create a new theme, overwriting any existing files or directories with the same name. Be cautious when using this option, as it may result in data loss.

Create a new theme with a custom output directory and title

SuCoS new-theme -o ./my-theme --title "My Custom Theme"

This command will create a new theme in the ./my-theme directory with a custom title ("My Custom Theme").