v1.3.0 Release: An Exciting Bounty of New Features


Hello, tech enthusiasts and loyal users! We're beyond thrilled to unveil the latest sensation in our feature lineup - the v1.3.0 release. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through some impressive upgrades that are sure to spark your curiosity and streamline your user experience. We've focused on your feedback, rolled up our sleeves, and delivered functionalities that add finesse and flexibility to your tech endeavors.

In this blog post, we're giving you the full tour of what's new, what's enhanced, and what's completely reimagined. Let's dive right in and see what v1.3.0 has in store!

Thrilling Changes on Deck:

Page Weight

You've asked and we've listened. Pages are now empowering users to set a Weight value for a finer degree of sorting control. Keep things light with the default zero, or ramp it up to sort your pages just how you like.

Page IsHome IsPage IsSection

To make your templates that much more intuitive, we're offering extra calculated values:

{{ page.IsHome }} is your trusty indicator for the home page.

{{ page.IsPage }} stands tall when the page is of the Kind.single variety.

{{ page.IsSection }} raises its flag for Section type pages.

Feel the pulse of your page with these new identity markers!

Page Parent

Family ties matter, even for pages. While scanning for content files, we now set the previously created page as the Parent. This allows templates to roam freely through parsed content, just as they wish.

Witness this new feature in action with the new URL default, pairing the title of the parent page with the current page title.

Theme Static Folder

Themes just got a shiny new toy - a folder labeled static! Now, you can stow away unique files like logos and CSS files directly within the theme. And don't worry, the site's own static files will take precedence if available.

Build Default Output Folder

When usingSuCoS build -s /path/of/site, the default output, sans -output/-o was nestled in ./public. But we know you deserve better. Now, it will default to /path/of/site/public, a more intuitive and logical choice.

Test Coverage Report

As we ramp up our unit testing efforts, the desire for a coverage report becomes more pressing. Rejoice, because both internal GitLab and external reports are now automatically whipped up after each test. Stay on top of your game with these up-to-the-minute updates! For now, the coverage is about 40%.